Freitag, 3. November 2023, 14:30 – 16:00 Uhr

Workshop (auf englisch)

Referent*in: Matab Mahboub

Women* are still underrepresented in politics and in reporting on it. They are reported on in a different way than their male counterparts.

Often we as journalists and media makers are not even aware of the use and effect of certain formulations and representations.

In this workshop and through working with words, pictures, and videos, I would like to shed some light on how gender stereotypes are reproduced in our work. I would like to invite you to join in! Let’s think together about ways to promote gender-sensitive reporting!

Hier erscheinen anschließend Audio-Mitschnitte und andere Dokumente. Referent*innen und Teilnehmende werden gebeten, veröffentlichbare Präsentationen, Mitschriften, Fotos, Berichte oder Interviews etc. gleich nach der Veranstaltung mit Angabe von Programmtitel und Veranstaltungszeit per E-Mail an die DokuCrew zu senden. Danke!