
Samstag, 8. November 2014, 13:30 – 14:45 Uhr, FreiLand Potsdam, Raum: Großer Seminarraum


European media policy event held in conjunction with the National Congress of German Free Radios and CMFE’s annual General Assembly. Focus on best practices in European media policy and EU Digital Agenda.

Invited representatives of national community media federations, European institutions and international organizations (Council of Europe, OECD). Volunteers, students and citizens participate to discussions and informal networking. Training and best practice material is shared.

A compilation of best practice case studies / media policy frameworks as well as outcomes of discussions can be made available for further events and on-line dissemination. Policy inputs are developed.

As member of the UHF High Level Group, CMFE will act as a hub enabling dialogue on the EU Digital Agenda between citizens and policy makers at the local, regional and international level.